Meet our Team

The CliniTrack Difference

Elizabeth Policarpio

Elizabeth Policarpio
CliniTrack School of Nursing Instructor

I was born and raised in the Philippines with 5 other siblings. My parents instilled in us the importance of going to school and studying hard. They worked hard to allow us to achieve what they never had. I graduated from the Marian School of Nursing and have been a nurse for 35 years working with elderly patients.

I worked as a charge nurse sometimes a treatment nurse, and then one day my DON, Belen encouraged me to be a Director of Staff Development, and have been till today. Now I am part of Clinitrack teaching students who want to be Certified Nursing Assistants. I’m hoping to teach them to be the best that they can be. Caring for the patients who need them.

In my spare time, I like to spend it with my grandson and do a little kickboxing as well.